Faster Tube Removal With The Elliott Cyclgrip Semi-Continuous Tube Puller
“AREVA expects to double the tube removal speed by using the Elliott Cyclgrip tool. Since this tool only requires two people, AREVA can use other personnel more effectively.”
AREVA performed speed and load tests on the Elliott Cyclgrip tube removal tool… The purpose of these tests was to determine the pull speed at various loads and the maximum tool load. The tube material used during testing was either 3/4” x 0.035” wall stainless steel or 3/4” x 0.049” wall copper.
Based on the results, AREVA plans on using a custom designed jaw and the Elliott Cyclgrip setup for fieldwork.
AREVA expects to double the tube removal speed by using the Elliott Cyclgrip tool. In addition, since this tool will only require two people to operate (one running the tool and the other managing the tube that is being removed), AREVA can use other personnel more effectively to perform other tasks associated with the retubing operation.
Michael Mansfield
Program Manager Heat Exchanger Services
AREVA NDE-Solutions, North America