Elliott’s New Rolling System Offers 30% Tube Expansion Savings, Guaranteed
Offering flexibility and speed with parallel pin and traditional rolling capabilities
DAYTON, OH – January 15, 2024 – Elliott Tool Technologies, a USA based tube tool manufacturer, announced the launch of an all new assisted tube rolling system. Offering the speed and productivity of an electric servo motor with the capability to perform parallel pin and traditional expansion, Elliott’s Ultra Hawk maximizes productivity by providing the best-in-class cycle times.
“Many aspects of customer feedback were incorporated into this unit to make it the perfect fit for the end user, designed with them in mind,” said Thomas Wagner, National Sales Director, Elliott Tool Technologies. “For anyone seeking a competitive advantage, this is the unit that can make it happen.”
Easily switch between traditional rolling and parallel pin expansion, allowing for maximum job flexibility. Additionally, the system improves consistency by measuring torque and logging data to ensure that each job meets customer requirements.
“Upon launch, Ultra Hawk demonstrated numerous benefits, both realized and unrealized,” explained Thomas. “Tube sheet warpage was a challenge for many in the industry, and the Ultra-Hawk significantly reduces warpage; in some cases, no warpage was noted at all. With its sheer speed, accuracy, ergonomics, and quality, users should have no issue realizing 30% savings or more.”
For more information or to request a quote, please contact Elliott Tool Technologies at (937) 253-6133, email sales@elliott-tool.com or visit Elliott’s website at www.elliott-tool.com.
Elliott Tool Technologies strives to be the industry’s leading supplier of “Quality tube tools for an ‘I need it yesterday’ world.” As the original tube tool company since 1892, you can rely on Elliott to provide a quality product that you can be confident in using time after time. Elliott’s team is committed to providing exceptional customer service, on-time shipping, superior tool life, and reliable stock availability.

Pictured: Ultra Hawk Unit